Using ML-DFT models for predictions

Having trained and saved a model, this model can now be used for predictions. This guide follows the examples and In the advanced section on this topic, performance tweaks and extended access to observables are covered.


If you are working with a 2D-system, and you have explicitly calculated training data as a 2D-system in Quantum ESPRESSO, make sure to set = True before any prediction.

In order to get direct access to electronic structure via ML, MALA uses the Predictor class. Provided that the trained model was saved with all the necessary information on the bispectrum descriptors and the LDOS, no further parameters have to be set here. You have to load the model and acquire atomic positions (e.g., from a previous molecular dynamics simulation or other source) via

import ase

parameters, network, data_handler, predictor = mala.Predictor.\
atoms =

Please note that MALA interfaces are ASE compatible. ASE is a powerful library for atomistic modeling in Python, providing functionalities such as a format for atomic structures and interfaces to simulation software. Having such an atomic configuration in the form of a ase.Atoms object, a prediction can be made via

ldos = predictor.predict_for_atoms(atoms)

The resulting LDOS can then be processed via the calculator object of the predictor class to access various observables of interest, such as

ldos_calculator: mala.LDOS = predictor.target_calculator
# Total energy of the system
# Electronic density
# Electronic density of states

Please note that in order to calculate the total energy, you have to provide a pseudopotential (specifically the pseudopotential used during data generation) via parameters.targets.pseudopotential_path = ....

Using the MALA ASE calculator

For even easier integration into materials modelling workflows, MALA provides an ASE calculator interface, called mala.MALA . An ASE calculator is an interface to an electronic structure simulation code with a specified API; calculators exist for many simulation codes, such as Quantum ESPRESSO, GPAW, etc.

The merit of using the MALA ASE calculator is that existing workflows do not have to be altered - they can be performed faster with the power of ML. Usage is fairly simple, first, a model is loaded as an ASE calculator and set a pseudopotential path

calculator = mala.MALA.load_model("be_model")
calculator.mala_parameters.targets.pseudopotential_path = ...

Please note that the mala_parameters property is the Parameters object with which the calculator was created/loaded and can be used just as a Parameters object to adjust inference settings . It is not called parameters since that keyword is already in use by ASE itself.

Afterwards, define/load an ASE atoms object, set the MALA object as a calculator and use the ASE interface to perform the calculation.

atoms = read(os.path.join(data_path, "Be_snapshot1.out"))

For more information on ASE calculators, also see the official ASE documentation.