Collection of useful functions for working with LAMMPS.
- extract_compute_np(lmp, name, compute_type, result_type, array_shape=None, use_fp64=False)[source]
Convert a lammps compute to a numpy array.
Assumes the compute returns floating point numbers. Note that the result is a view into the original memory. If the result type is 0 (scalar) then conversion to numpy is skipped and a python float is returned.
- Parameters:
lmp (lammps.lammps) – The LAMMPS object from which data is supposed to be extracted.
name (string) – Name of the LAMMPS calculation.
compute_type – Compute type of the LAMMPS calculation.
result_type – Result type of the LAMMPS calculation.
array_shape – Array shape of the LAMMPS calculation.
use_fp64 (bool) – If True, return the array with double precision. If False (default), the array will be processed with single precision. Only has an effect if result_type equals 2.
- set_cmdlinevars(cmdargs, argdict)[source]
Add a dicitionary of LAMMPS arguments in a command line argument string.
- Parameters:
cmdargs (List) – Command line argument string. Will be mutated by this function.
argdict (dict) – Dictionary to be added to LAMMPS command line argument string.
- Returns:
cmdargs – New command line argument string.
- Return type: